Backup Server

What is a Backup Server ?

A backup server is a type of server dedicated to storing backup copies of data and system configurations from other servers or computers. Its primary purpose is to ensure data integrity and availability in case of data loss, corruption, or system failure.

Do I really need a backup server ?

Yes ofc you need a backup server, what would happen if you had only one copy of an important file that got corrupted and you cannot retrieve it anymore ?

Even if your not in IT, having backups of data is really important.

Requirements & Description

  1. A server (I reccomend using oracle’s free tier servers )
  2. Rsync (A program that automatically synces files and folders across two different computers)

How to

Oracle Server details

# Change file permissions (Required by ssh)

chmod 600 ssh-key-2024-09-11.key

# Logging into the server using ssh keys

ssh -i ssh-key-2024-09-11.key username@ip_address
# Updating the system

sudo apt update -y

# Upgrading the system

sudo apt upgrade -y

# Installing Rsync program

sudo apt install rsync -y
# Creating the backup folder
mkdir backup

# Adding dummy files
touch first_folder second_folder
# Manually using rsync

rsync -rvuP -e "ssh -i /path/to/ssh.key" /home/adityaa/backup ubuntu@ip-address:

# automatically uploading files using cronjob

0 9 * * * rsync -rvuP -e "ssh -i /path/to/ssh.key" /home/adityaa/backup ubuntu@ip-address:


I got this idea from cyberacademy and by watching luke smith’s video on rsync.

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